General Announcements
Lincoln County Economic Development Corporation will be hosting the 2025 Economic Summit at Inshalla Country Club from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm Tuesday April 8th. Join this important summit designed to empower and improve rural businesses and communities. Registration is required by April 6th. More information and registration can be found at:
Looking for the THS Class of 1975. The 50th Reunion will be held July 5th at the Tomahawk American Legion, with a chicken dinner, stories, memories and more. Cost is $20.00 per person and please RSVP with payment to Jean Whalen at 715-966-3956.
School District of Tomahawk will be offering a "Child Find Screening" April 4th at the School District of Tomahawk. This screening is for children 3 though 5 years of age whose parent or guardian have questions or concerns about developmental milestones. To schedule a screening call Traci Swan at 453-555 ext 5.
The Tomahawk Lions Club will be hosting their 11th annual "Crazy 8" Bowling Tourney Saturday April 5th at Strikers. To reserve your spot call Strikers at 453-3245. Entry fee is $25.00, three games with shoes included. Payout for the top three places winners. Two starting times at Noon and 2:30pm, with special drawings, eight pin no tap, colored head pins and 50/50 raffle.
Aspirus-Tomahawk Hospital Foundation has scholarship application forms available for college students studying a Healthcare related field. Scholarship application forms are available at the Hospital/Clinic Greeters Desk, WJJQ Studio, and online at website under area information link. Application deadline is June 16th 2025.
Lincoln County Health Department is offering Arsenic Testing for a Limited Time. Cost is $40.00 and you can purchase you collection bottles from the Health Department (607 N Sales St. Merrill) any time in April, Monday - Friday 8am to 4:30pm, or call to see if an alternative time can be arranged. To learn more or question call 715-536-0307 or
Registration is now open for the 2025 Tomahawk Youth Softball Season. Tomahawk city-League includes playing opportunities for girls ranging from T-ball to 14U. Register before April 30th online at
Join Tomahawk Main Street as you hop down the bunny trail to participating businesses through April 19th. Find the "hidden" egg, and receive a stamp on your map! Turn your map in by 2:00 pm April 19th for a goodie bag and a chance to win a giant Easter basket. Check out their Facebook page or website Easter Scavenger Hunt or Tomahawk Main Street for all participating businesses.
The Lincoln County Veterans Service Officer will be at Tomahawk City Hall from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, on April 3rd, and April 17th. If you would like to schedule an appointment to meet please call 715-539-1083.
Ties That Bind Us will be hosting an ongoing Cancer Support Group/Caregivers Support Group meeting on the first Tuesday of every month, next meeting is Tuesday, April 1st. The meeting will be held at 6:00 pm at Incredible Bank on North Fourth Street. For more information or if you have any questions call 499-3326.
Tomahawk's Support Group for Caregivers of someone living with Dementia, meets the fourth Wednesday of every month from 3:00 to 4:00 pm at the Tomahawk Senior Center. If anyone has any questions they can reach out to Jesse Welch at 453-2164 or by email
If you or someone you know is having thoughts of suicide or experiencing a mental health or substance use crisis, 9-8-8 provides direct connection to free, confidential, and compassionate support. You are not along in crisis, just call, text or chat 9-8-8 for 24/7 confidential support.
The Nicolet College Academic Success program will be assisted by Nate Mickelson as the instructor. Classes meet on Monday and Wednesday in the community room of the library. It is from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm and individuals can get help on basic skills, earning a High School diploma or assistance with college coursework.Friday, March 28
Northwoods National Cemetery is holding a Vietnam War Veterans Day Ceremony at 11:30am. The ceremony will honor Vietnam War Veterans and their families. The ceremony will be under 30 minutes in length. Northwoods National Cemetery is located at 4520 Lakewood Road in Harshaw.
Saturday, March 29
Tomahawk Girl Scouts will be selling cooking in the Trig's Parking lot from 10am to 2pm. $6.00 a box with limited amount of Gluten Free ($7.00).
Tuesday, April 1
The Spring General Election is a Statewide Race for Superintendent of Public Instruction and Justice of the Supreme Court, along with State Referendum question, a variety of County and School Board Races. Also a question "Should the City of Tomahawk fluoride the municipal water supply"? All wards in the City of Tomahawk will vote at Sara Park Activity Center, with Polls for City of Tomahawk Residents open from 7:00 am until 8:00 pm.
Tomahawk Community Soup Kitchen will reopen today at the Corpus Christi Center. Serving begins at 5:00 pm and all are welcome.
Thursday, April 3
The Tomahawk Cornhole League will hold their registration meeting at Floyd's Timber Tavern from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm. All teams interested in playing in the upcoming season must have registration forms in by this meeting. If you are unable to attend contact Jen at 715-612-1495. Late registration will not be accepted.
Friday, April 4
Donations for St. Mary's School Annual Spring Rummage Sale can be dropped off at the Corpus Christi Center from 7am to 5pm. They will NOT accept large furniture, exercise equipment, baby equipment (car seats, play pens, high chairs) or any items that use electricity.
Saturday, April 5St. Mary's School Annual Spring Rummage Sale will be held from 7:00 am to 3:00 pm in the Corpus Christi Center. Lots of items! The Center is located on 7th street between East Washington Avenue and East Somo Avenue.
Trinity Merrill Lutheran Church will be hosting a Glow in the Dark Easter Egg Hunt starting at 8:45 am. Morning full of glow-in-the dark fun for the whole family, the egg hunts will be held in the lower level of the Trinity Lutheran Church. This event is aimed at all family members, but especially those ages 10 and under.
Benefit Fundraiser for Scott Anderson will be held at Prairie Rapids Tavern starting at 1pm. Help support Scott after he suffered a massive stroke resulting in a long journey to recovery. Food, Raffles, Music and More!
Sunday, April 6
Merrill Eagles Auxilliary 584 will be hosing their 11th Annual Spring Scholarship Raffle at the Merrill Eagles Club located at 1205 Lake Street, Merrill, from 1:30pm to 4:30pm. Raffle Baskets, Bake Sale, Cash Raffle Tickets, and live music with Jeni Smith and Mark Robl.
Tuesday, April 8
Lincoln County Economic Development Corporation will be hosting the 2025 Economic Summit at Inshalla Country Club from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm. Join this important summit designed to empower and improve rural businesses and communities. Registration is required by April 6th. More information and registration can be found at:
The Northwoods Chapter of the Ice Age Trail Alliance will host a presentation on forest raptors such as hawks and owls that reside in Northern Wisconsin. Forest habitat biologist Jim Woodford will share his expertise. The presentation is part of the Chapter's annual meeting. The public is invited to attend and learn more about these birds and the Ice Age Trail. It takes place at the Lincoln County Service Center in Merrill at 6:30pm.
Friday, April 11
Luther Memorial Church of Gleason will be holding a Easter Bake Sale at Schult's Country Inn located at W5931 Church Ave, Merrill starting at 4pm. Contact Jan with questions at 715-921-2398.
Saturday, April 12
Lakeland Star School/Academy will be holding a fundraiser at the Hazelhurst Town Hall from Noon to 4pm. There will be food, beverages, desserts, raffles, and 50/50's. Lakeland Star School/Academy specializes in helping students on the Autism Spectrum. Families with children on the spectrum who need a quieter surrounding are welcome to participate an hour earlier at 11am.
Saturday, April 19
It's Easter fun with Tomahawk Main Street! Today is the last day to run in your Easter Egg Hunt map, plus bonus adventures from 10am to 2pm; check out their Facebook page or website (Easter Scavenger Hunt/Tomahawk Main Street) for all the details!
Thursday, April 24
Lincoln County Health Department will be hosting Lincoln County Community Baby Shower at the St. Mary's Catholic Corpus Christi Center, 320 E. Washington Ave. Tomahawk, from 3:30pm to 5:30pm. This is for pregnant and parenting families with children 0 to 18 months. Connect with community resources, learn about child safety and milestones and much more. Each family will receive a care package, while supplies last. Bring a friend or family, kids welcome and no registration needed.